20.01.2013 What is the preorder ?First of all the preorder is opportunity to give the demand to us to order goods which you ... |
10.12.2011 What advantages at your production ?Getting knife products in our shop, you receive a number of advantages: 1. Low cost ... |
28.11.2011 You provide what guarantees ?First, it is necessary to answer a question at once: "For what the knife is necessary to ... |
25.11.2011 Whether permission for knife purchase is required ?All models of knifes passed examination in EKTs Ministry of Internal Affairs Russian ... |
22.11.2011 What should be a sharpening corner at a knife ?The corner of sharpening of a knife depends on its mission: the smallest corner of ... |
Working knifes - irreplaceable assistants to passionate fans of hunting, tourism and fishing. Such knifes can't be stored on a regiment and to blow off from them motes, such knifes are intended for work therefore special demands of durability and reliability are made to them. A prime indicator of working knifes is blade steel. Each hunter on advantage will estimate a knife to which can cut an elk without blade sharpening. But except blade steel in a working knife as is important and a knife design as a whole. Hardly anyone that will want to appear alone with the nature with a fragment even from the best steel. Therefore the most reliable working knifes are tselmetallichesky and knifes collected vsadny way, but with blade fixing in a bolstyer. Structurally blades of all working knifes made by us are drowned in a bolster on 4-5 mm., that considerably increases durability of a knife as a whole. Since. the main reason for breakage of a knife is demolition of the basis of a shaft of a blade, and thanks to reception with blade fixing in a bolster, this shortcoming is excluded. Thereby our knifes have considerably advantage before other producers.